Help Your Teething Baby Feel Better

Teething is a natural process, but it can be a difficult time for parents or foster parents and their baby. Unfortunately, getting a new tooth can make a baby cranky and unhappy, but it can also cause physical symptoms.

When Does Teething Start?

Most babies get their first tooth between 6-10 months, but some will get them earlier or later. The two front teeth on the bottom usually are the first to appear, then the top front teeth will appear, four of them. You can expect new teeth to show up every month or two once the first ones come through.

Molars are the last teeth to grow in and they tend to start popping up when your baby is around a year old. These can be particularly painful.

Symptoms of Teething

One of the first things parents usually notice is that their little one is fussing quite a lot. They will also tend to drool more than usual and may appear to have swollen or painful gums. In an attempt to reduce the pain, the baby will often chew on things, especially harder items that may provide some counter pressure that can help.

It’s not uncommon for a teething baby to develop a low fever. They may not want to eat much and can become quite difficult to get to sleep.

Teething Relief

Your baby may be quite unhappy while teething, but there are a few things you can do to help reduce the discomfort.

Pressure on the gums can bring relief. You can press or rub your baby’s gums and give them something to chew on, such as a teething ring. A washcloth that has been dampened and then frozen is also helpful for lowering the amount of discomfort the baby feels.

In cases where your baby is particularly unhappy and seems to be in a lot of pain, you may want to give some over the counter pain relief. It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor first. Ibuprofen or acetaminophen is the usual remedy.

Keep in mind that teething should not cause illness. If your baby has diarrhoea or vomiting along with the other symptoms, you should seek medical advice. This is also true if their fever goes over 37.9°C or doesn’t reduce with pain medication.

You can talk to a doctor online if you wish to avoid taking your baby to a clinic or the hospital. Make your appointment today with NHS.

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