• Student Health Services

    You can register online, in seconds.
    No need for ID or proof of address!

    *To register you will need to switch from your current GP practice. Once an application is made, a registration period will apply before you are able to access the service. Available for people living or working In England

    Welcome to our students page

    Online health consultation

    Our online platform includes information on a range of common student health concerns as well as the option to visit your local GP for further help. We can help with areas such as:

    ●     Sexual health services

    ●     Sexual health checks and contraception advice

    ●     Abortion information and advice

    ●     Counselling and mental health support

    ●     Vaccination information

    ●     General health advice and GP appointment management

    If you’re new to managing your health needs, the NHS student wellbeing page is here to help. Check out our online resources or speak to a healthcare professional across our four clinics in Wembley, Alperton, Willesden and Queen’s Park.

    Welcome to our students’ page, our online services are specifically designed for Students! Completing your studies can be a stressful time for many students alongside other life changes such as living independently for the first time. Taking care of your wellbeing and physical health is even more important and with student health services available through the NHS you can get the advice you need.

    Our online platform includes information on a range of common student health concerns as well as the option to visit your local GP for further help. We can help with areas such as:

    • Sexual health services including health checks and contraception advice
    • Abortion information and advice
    • Counselling and mental health support
    • Vaccination information
    • General health advice and GP appointment management

    If you’re new to managing your health needs, the NHS student wellbeing page is here to help. Check out our online resources or speak to a healthcare professional across our four clinics in Wembley, Alperton, Willesden and Queen’s Park.

    Student mental health services and more

    Our online student health options will make it easier for you to access the advice you need. Browse our options below including information on how to register as a student.

    Health Campaigns Section (Our Instagram)

    Online help for my medical condition

    Get advice about specific conditions like back pain, coughs, mental health conditions and more

    Get in touch

    I want general health advice online

    Get advice about general symptoms like tiredness, bleeding, pain or weakness

    Get in touch

    Administrative help form your GP practice

    Request sick notes and GP letters or ask about recent tests

    Get in touch

    I want help for childhood problems

    Get help for common childhood problems like rash, ear-ache, cold, flu, vomiting and diarrhoea

    Get in touch

    General Questions (FAQ)

    Hi there! Have some questions about our GP Practice? Find the answers below.

    • How do I register with an NHS GP?

      You can use our Registration page at Gpregistration to register online, in only a few seconds.

      You won’t need any Identity documents or proof of address to register with us, as your new NHS GP.

      When you have completed and returned the form, NHS England will transfer your medical records to your new practice and write to you to confirm your registration as a patient with that practice.

      If you're registering a child under 5, you'll have the option of registering them for the Child Health Promotion Programme.

      This means your child will be invited for regular health and development checks. Ask the practice for more details.

    • I am student, do I still to register with a GP?

      Being registered with an NHS GP is similar to an insurance policy, because you won’t know you need one, until you need one!

      Our registration is quick, and online and it gives you access to all NHS Free Services such as Mental Health Support, Sexual Health Support and exclusively you us, Free NHS Expert Dermatology Skin Specialists.

      Just visit us at www.nhsgp.net/students

    • Is there a GP for Student Health Issues?

      Our GPs and clinicians have years of expertise in dealing with Student Specific Issues.

      We have online and in person services that include Physiotherapy, Mental Health Support, Teenage Counsellors, Contraception Clinics, Vaccination Clinics, Sexual Health Clinic and Skin Specialist Clinics.

      Just visit us at www.nhsgp.net/students

    • What is Dermatology?

      Dermatologists are skin specialists. They have years of dedicated experience in treating and diagnosing skin conditions.

      By clicking on www.NHSGP.net/SKIN you can upload your photos of your skin condition and our Dermatologist will call you straight back!

      It’s that simple!

    • Do I need a referral to see a Dermatologist?

      Our in house Dermatology Specialist is free on the NHS for for patients who have registered with us, as their GP.

      Just click on www.NHSGP.net/SKIN and you can upload your photos of your skin 

      and our Free NHS Dermatologist will contact you!

    • How can students register with a local GP?

      If, like most students, you spend more weeks of the year at your university address than your family's address, you need to register with a GP near your university as soon as possible.

      That way you can receive emergency care if you need it, and access health services quickly and easily while you're away.

      This is especially important if you have an ongoing health condition, particularly one that needs medicine, such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy.

      You can choose to register with any local GP. The health centre attached to your university is likely to be the most convenient, and the doctors working there will be experienced in the health needs of students.

      Find your local GP surgery

    • What vaccines do I need as a student?

      MenACWY vaccination

      Students are now routinely offered a vaccination to prevent meningitis W disease.

      The MenACWY vaccine protects against 4 different causes of meningitis and septicaemia: meningococcal (Men) A, C, W and Y diseases. It replaces the separate Hib/MenC vaccine.

      All 17 and 18 year olds in school year 13 and first-time university students up to the age of 25 are eligible as part of the NHS vaccination programme.

      GP practices will automatically send letters inviting 17 and 18 year olds in school year 13 to have the MenACWY vaccine.

      But if you're a student going away to university or college for the first time, contact the GP you're registered with to ask for the MenACWY vaccine, ideally before the start of the academic year.

      This is because you'll be at particularly high risk in the first weeks of term, when you're likely to come into contact with many new people.

      Mumps vaccination

      Universities and colleges also advise students to be immunised against mumps before starting their studies.

      The MMR vaccine (for mumps, measles and rubella) is part of the routine NHS childhood immunisation schedule. This means most young people who've grown up in England will have had 2 doses of it in childhood.

      If you're not sure you've had 2 doses of the MMR vaccination, ask a GP for a catch-up vaccination.

      Flu jab

      Get an annual flu vaccination if you have asthma and take inhaled steroids. You should also get a flu vaccination if you have a serious long-term condition such as kidney disease.

    • How can I get contraception if I am a student?

      Even if you do not plan to be sexually active while studying, it's good to be prepared.

      Contraception and condoms are free for everyone from any GP – it does not have to be your own – or family planning clinic.

      Find your local sexual health service

    • How can I get Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)?

      As a higher education student living in England, you can apply for a Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) if you have a:

      •     disability
      •     long-term health condition
      •     mental health condition
      •     specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia

      The support you get depends on your individual needs and not on income.

    • As a student how much rest and food do I need to be healthy?

      You'll greatly increase your chances of keeping healthy by taking care of yourself.

      Student life may not be renowned for early nights and healthy eating, but getting enough sleep and eating well will mean you have a better chance of staying healthy.

      You'll feel more energetic and be better equipped to cope with studying and exams.

      Remember to:

      Eating well does not have to cost a lot and is often cheaper than takeaways. Taking the time to cook simple meals instead of eating out or buying ready meals is also healthier.

      You might want to try downloading the free One You Easy Meals app – available on the App Store and Google Play.

      8 tips for healthy eating

    Register with us for a online doctor appointment today

    Registration typically takes less than two minutes

    Our online NHS service to allows you to request repeat medications and appointment booking system is quick and easy to use. Register online today.